Saturday, April 23, 2011

Under The Sea!

After a beautiful walk over the hill under overcast skies, we head into the water camera in hand to explore.

Everywhere we looked were beautiful brightly colored fish, and the coral in Carlos Rosario is breathtaking.

 Although these are beautiful pictures, this little guy is not a native to our area and is quite poisonous!

Lion fish are only dangerious if you grab him.

He was too busy being a lion fish to even notice I was there.

 Although the skies were overcast the snorkeling was still beautiful.    People are always disappointed when it's overcast.

We never got one drop of direct sunlight and look at these pictures.  I don't see anything to be disappointed about!

 After swimming for a good hour I popped up out of the water to find the world above was just as beautiful as the world below!

Boy  was it ever a Good Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Amy Jo for the great memory.

    I've never spearfished but I'm going to learn and do what I can to stop the lionfish invasion.
