Monday, July 18, 2011

Flamboyans Everywhere!!!

The Flamboyans are in bloom and they are adding their magic 
to the spell that is cast by  Isla Bonita!

Everywhere you look vibrant colors are leaping out of layers and layers of green.  
Like giant carpets of color draped about to dry in the sun,
 These beautiful trees line the roads and speckle the hills with splashes of red, yellow and orange.


Notice the giant seed pods dangling in this tree.    As a family prodject Tenor, Ken and I gathered these pods by the hundreds.   Each pod holds from 15 - 30 Seeds. 
Once the rainy season started we soaked the pods in water to break them open and we drove from Flamenco to Zoni tossing seeds deep into the brush.
Tenor with his learners permit did the driving!
  Our hope is to line the roads with SHADE!!!

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