Monday, July 18, 2011

Flamboyans Everywhere!!!

The Flamboyans are in bloom and they are adding their magic 
to the spell that is cast by  Isla Bonita!

Everywhere you look vibrant colors are leaping out of layers and layers of green.  
Like giant carpets of color draped about to dry in the sun,
 These beautiful trees line the roads and speckle the hills with splashes of red, yellow and orange.


Notice the giant seed pods dangling in this tree.    As a family prodject Tenor, Ken and I gathered these pods by the hundreds.   Each pod holds from 15 - 30 Seeds. 
Once the rainy season started we soaked the pods in water to break them open and we drove from Flamenco to Zoni tossing seeds deep into the brush.
Tenor with his learners permit did the driving!
  Our hope is to line the roads with SHADE!!!

Please come like us on facebook  Culebra Bike Shop Amy Jo EllisAmy Jo Ellis  on facebook 

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fun With Pelicans

  An unusual bird is the Pelican.   

His beak can hold more then his belly can.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Doomsday Report

December 22, 2012

Today in Puerto Rico, the world has 
officially ended. 
We have passed into an alternative reality, and just as I have suspected all along... 

Culebra really is Heaven!

The photos above are from Melones west-facing beach.

Below, the photos are from Melones south-facing beach.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Culebra in bloom

Spring has sprung and we're half way to June.

There is no place as lovely as Culebra in bloom.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tamarindo Grande

The day after we hiked to Carlos Rosario, we took our dingy on an excursion and ended up in the same place as the day before.    Thought you might enjoy a photo or two of some the beautiful coral and fish that we found there.

This is a large school of Cojinua about 150 strong that came charging by.  I didn't have much time to aim the camera and fire but I caught to shots that are worth seeing.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Under The Sea!

After a beautiful walk over the hill under overcast skies, we head into the water camera in hand to explore.

Everywhere we looked were beautiful brightly colored fish, and the coral in Carlos Rosario is breathtaking.

 Although these are beautiful pictures, this little guy is not a native to our area and is quite poisonous!

Lion fish are only dangerious if you grab him.

He was too busy being a lion fish to even notice I was there.

 Although the skies were overcast the snorkeling was still beautiful.    People are always disappointed when it's overcast.

We never got one drop of direct sunlight and look at these pictures.  I don't see anything to be disappointed about!

 After swimming for a good hour I popped up out of the water to find the world above was just as beautiful as the world below!

Boy  was it ever a Good Friday!